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Join us on June 14 for CareerCon hosted by Marek Grzaka, IP Operations Director.  


Attend CareerCon: “Unlock Your Future” to:

  • Develop an action plan to drive your short-term development and long-term career goals.
  • Learn more about Verisk & LinkedIn Learning career planning tools.
  • Get best practices for developing your career journey at Verisk.


Event Details

2:00 PM — Event Check-In Begins

2:15 PM — Keynote with Marek Grzaka

2:30 PM — Starting Development & Career Conversations Session

3:15 PM — Taking Ownership of Your Development & Career Session  

4:00 PM — Event Recap & Happy Hour



There is limited capacity in the room for this event, so please be aware that the maximum number of participants is 45. 



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